Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hoiland's Toy Project - Reflective Essay

My Cubee began with the simple dilemma of not knowing which color to choose for the body. Once it became apparent I was incapable of making such a tedious decision I did the only rational thing and refused to decide at all by choosing tie-dye. The dreadlocks seemed only natural once the shirt was in place, and then the purple hemp pants after that was a no-brainer.

The color of the skin took me a while and so did making the dreadlocks, especially making them look somewhat layered and multi-dimensional. Skin is tricky. It can come out looking like an orange if you aren’t careful. I messed with the palette until I found the right hue to make a believable hippie tan and then lowered the saturation. That along with the lighter value made it look more like a humanoid and less like a newly painted wall with a mouth and eyes. Whilst making the dreadlocks I decided that the easiest way to show they weren’t goldilocks curls was to pull them up to the top of the head and then have a wrap of hemp yarn coming out as if the cubee had put up his dreads for the occasion.

I can imagine my cubee on the streets of cubeland standing on some street corner holding a pen and a clip board trying to get people to sign a petition to save the whales. I guess I’ve stereotyped him a bit. He could really be anyone who attends the Oregon Country Fair or someone who just digs the feel of hemp against their legs and a burst of color on their chest and who doesn’t mind the upkeep of a head full of dreads. So basically, any good Ashlander.

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